Theme 3: Spintronic Interface Engineering

C-SPIN: Diagram of Heusler alloy / semiconductor interface. Diagram of Heusler alloy /
semiconductor interface.

An often-unappreciated aspect of spintronic systems is the critical role of interfaces in these systems.  In particular, the quality and nature of the interface between magnetic materials and the channels that transport the spin information can be the determining factor in whether or not a spintronic system functions properly.

Due to the critical role of interfaces in spintronic systems, Theme 3 is dedicated to understanding, designing, modeling, fabricating and optimizing the interfaces between magnetic materials and spin channels.  The researchers in this theme exploring new tunnel barriers and spin filters and performing atomic-level analysis of their structural properties in order to develop a deeper understanding of the role of interfaces on spin-based device components.

C-SPIN: Spin optical interconnects are possible using light polarization TEM image of Heusler alloy/semiconductor

Further information on the theme PIs can be found on the list at right.